Entries by Allen Farcas

New Publication in IEEE T-PAMI from SLD!

We’re thrilled to announce the publication of our latest paper, “Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities,” in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI). This work represents a significant step forward in the evolution of Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Highlights: Zero-Shot NAS: Our paper explores zero-shot NAS, which predicts neural network […]

Call for Papers: Special Section on Emerging Edge AI for Human-in-the-Loop Cyber Physical Systems

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts to the special section on Emerging Edge AI for Human-in-the-Loop Cyber Physical Systems. Relevant topics of interest to this special section include (but are not limited to): Foundations of Human-in-the-Loop Cyber Physical Systems EdgeAI-Human-IoT Interactions Federated Learning for EdgeAI Context-Aware Applications and Services Cloud-edge Continuum Security and Privacy Prototypes, Field […]

Cover Feature in November Special Issue from IEEE Computer

Excited to announce our latest publication: “Teaching Edge AI at the Undergraduate Level: A Hardware–Software Co-Design Approach“, our unique course taught @UTAustin as the cover feature in the November special issue from IEEE Computer @ComputerSociety.